About Us

In the first half of 2021, we were presenting our report to a client and we chose the below slide to pull out their attention towards this set of 5 images. Instead of we directly pointing out where they actually stand, we asked them to identify their current status. During this exercise, an idea emerged ‘how can simplified solutions be provided to companies which at some point of their lifecycle pass through one of the 5 phases.

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Our Solutions

Our solutions may not be magical but they will certainly create a magical experience. What we have identified is that every business may pass through 5 different business phases i.e. your business is passing through one of those phases and for each of those phases we have developed 5 simplified solutions. We understand the constraints, limitations, reservations, excessiveness of working within an organization. We have closely dealt with internal politics, insecurities, decision delays, unorganized environment, communication gaps etc. Our solutions will deal with all this complexities and deliver impeccable results. Let’s explore.


A blind man was gifted a lantern by a friend at the time of leaving his home. “Of what use is a lamp to a blind man?” The friend said, Not for you but others will make way for you. Down the road, someone collided with him and caused him to fall. The blind man got up and angrily asked “Didn’t you see the lamp? Why did you make me fall?” The man who collided with him said .

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Organizations are running a rat race and they tend to get exhausted. Reasons may be innumerable. There is no defined pattern to it or a particular activity or group of activities. It is but natural. The exhaustion creeps in, the unclarity towards the work and performance, the negativity due to personal, inter-personal or office environment, the energy draining out as mind and body has a limit.

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You start a business with great aspirations and hope. You may attain certain success also but then either things fizzle out or remains sub-standard. Reinventing the business not only increases its longevity and sustainability but also takes the business to the Next Level. It is like making the business from Good to Great. It is not about how good things are being performed in a good.

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It is never too late to say, “Let’s Do It Right”. Yes, there has been long delays in taking decisions and their implementations which has led to such a situation which demands immediate Restructuring. Better late than never. Multiple problems all around and lying scattered. Any Restructuring scenario normally deals with it. Identifying them, Fixing them one by one on Priority.

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Start from the Start but this time the new start will be from the end. 50% of the organizations and 50% of the functions /activities in an Organization are getting similar results which either they do not want, or they want to change. It is like going back and forth, forming a loop and moving in a vicious cycle. If you know beforehand at the start of the year, that the company will incur losses.

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Video Tour

Board of Advisors


Why is Software selection and its implementation, a big challenge at both Decision and Execution level? Why is Software selection and its implementation, a big challenge at both Decision and Execution level?
The easiest thing which an organization does after starting the business...
May 25, 2021 Read more


I always used to feel that I know more about my business than anyone else, till the time I met Re.consulting team. They made me realize that business is not just about selling products to customers. There is a big possibility to be tapped both within and outside. They have changed my business picture. Thanks to them for driving excellence in my business.
Managing Director of a Trading & Distribution Co.
What do I say about you guys? The less i talk the better. You saved me from going in Red. Thanks to Andrew for connecting me with you guys.
General Manager of an Interior Designing Co.