
Clients love us  

I always used to feel that I know more about my business than anyone else, till the time I met Re.consulting team. They made me realize that business is not just about selling products to customers. There is a big possibility to be tapped both within and outside. They have changed my business picture. Thanks to them for driving excellence in my business.

Managing Director of a Trading & Distribution Co.
Our relationship began in a funny way. In fact I had been rude to them when they first approached me. I was pre-occupied and didn’t want to hear about their solutions and stories. They called me thrice and shared their flyers. I blocked them 😄. Somehow, they managed to connect with my wife, and she insisted to meet these guys. I reluctantly met them without any interest. But within the first hour of our discussion, they brought so much sense about my business that I managed to crack solution for 3 problems which I had been facing for a long time. I realized the depth of their solutions; without any delay I hired them on monthly retainer and also agreed on a performance linked fee structure. They RESET my business(es). I was actually living in a fool’s paradise.

Owner & CEO of Group of Companies (Trading & Retail)
What do I say about you guys? The less I talk the better. You saved me from going in Red. Thanks to Andrew for connecting me with you guys.

General Manager of an Interior Designing Co.
We were facing problem on our manufacturing cost front. Though we were in profit, but there was less clarity on costing process. We hired Re.consulting because of their time commitment and quality approach even though their fee was high. They delivered the project on time with improvised processes, upgraded system, and with variance analysis at activity levels. KUDOS. Moreover, they recommended 8-10 practical solutions under their REINVENT solution, as part of a separate assignment. Overall a brilliant experience. Cost to Benefit Ratio turned out to be 10%.

CEO of a Manufacturing Co.