Why Consulting ?

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Consulting is like any other business just that the business of consulting is to make your business better and sound. The overall global consulting business totals to 160.0 Billion $. GCC has clicked 3.0 Billion $ with 9% growth y-o-y and more specifically UAE has reached a figure of 1.0 Billion $ with 7% growth y-o-y. It would not be to your surprise that majority of the consulting assignments are given by Fortune 500 companies. Have you ever wondered or asked, “Why so?” and “Why not SMEs or large-medium size organizations?”. The Fortune 500 companies have reaped the benefits of hiring a consulting service and they have made it a standard practice to continue to do so, for their different functions, problems and assignments at different times.

In a nutshell, you can say that Consulting is a customized professional service to solve the business problems and evolve.

Consulting may focus upon business strategies like expansion plan, mergers, buy outs or management functions like supply chain, processes, cost efficiency, restructuring or new technology adaption like CRM, ERP, Apps etc. The question may still pop up in your mind that why can’t the inhouse team get the desired results? The reality is that resources of the enterprise are limited. Thus, CEOs / CFOs / CTOs may seek help from a consulting firm.

Why Consultant ?

They are not running the routine rat-race like your employees. They are totally detached and can present a wider and clearer view to you about your business. You may be looking within a 10’ * 10’ market space, the consultant may open up an altogether different hemisphere, a 100’ * 100’ market space is no exaggeration. You hire them for performance and not for just filling a position. Nothing is at stake for them, so they will be honest, transparent and trustworthy. The insights which they have collected from various industries and functions will help them to deliver to you the best business practices and solution.

The Top 10 Consulting firms in the middle east are listed below for your kind perusal

  • Strategy& (or Booz (a part of PwC now))

  • Bain & Company
  • Boston Consulting Group

  • Mckinsey & Company
  • Kearney
  • Deloitte

  • Oliver Wyman
  • Ernst & Young

  • Roland Berger
  • Aon Consulting Worldwide

You may be wondering why we are sharing the above names on our website. The simple reason is that we would like you to read about them, see what they do and how they do it. Basically we are trying to excite your inquisitiveness to gain more knowledge about Consulting so that you speed up your decision making process to hire a consultant. Whom do you hire? is not the question over here as your benefits solely lies in your decisions.