Why Re.consulting ?

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We are nobody to influence your mind, but what we strongly believe that if you are reading through our writing, it is your intelligence which is attracting towards such writing. Having said that, you are the best judge to take a prudent call upon us. If we had not matched your intelligence and advanced requirement, we would not have figured out in your visual space in the first place. What we can do and what we would love to do is to make your decision making process easy by enriching our discussion.

An organization is in the business of not only running its business but the ultimate end result what any investor or owner look for is the profitability. But the surprising element in its quest to earn profit is that the profit happens only as the last product and sometimes, the actual profit gets realized only after 2-3 years. Organizations do not realize it, sometimes very late, that they end up salaries on time, they keep on settling the bank liabilities, they continue to pay suppliers on time but the profit path lacks the clarity. Things are going to change for you with Re.consulting as we will implement the right solution in your set up as per the phase your business is passing through.

Re.consulting strongly suggests every organization to develop a CAGR model. CAGR stands for Compounded Annual Growth Rate. Take any 5 or 10 years of your existence or performance and calculate the CAGR and try plotting in a graph to draw impeccable clarity where your organization is heading to.

It is not about the Sales growth, as you know it very well that how bad sales may ruin your chances of healthy profit. It is neither about the year after year profitability you book, as aiming for higher profit by cutting down on costs may derail your sales growth story. Nor it is about the return on investments, as you may earn better returns on alternative investment without going through this sales and profit cycle. It is all about the culmination of all these three (3) leads to your Business Valuation, an exercise which normally businesses take it up when they find themselves in trouble or they get an interest from a third party to acquire their business. Through Re.consulting models and solutions we will assist you in achieving the ultimate, the reason you take up a business, which is ‘growing the valuation of your business’.

Our models and solutions are specially designed to solidify your business roots, unleash the full growth potential, uncovers the real profit and completely revamp the investment cycle. We are a team of industry stalwarts and functional experts who have the vision, experience and technical expertise to deliver the customized solution which your business requires or say the market requires your business to adapt to.

One key difference which stands out in any scenario is the focus and approach of Re.consulting “Less on Reports, More on Results”.

Last but not the least, we would like to say that we are not competing with anyone, but we are complementing. Our focus is to drive excellence and do value addition. There is a saying “Try everyone, then Choose the best” or “Try us, and we make you the Best”.